I hate it.
The voice acting was real good, but the animation was pretty bad. Also, Inuyasha sucks. If the whole thing was in the style of the after-the-credits extra, it would be a lot better.
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I hate it.
The voice acting was real good, but the animation was pretty bad. Also, Inuyasha sucks. If the whole thing was in the style of the after-the-credits extra, it would be a lot better.
Damn... the extra bit after the credits was so easy to make too.
Thanks for scoring this as a flash and not blamming it because you hate Inuyasha.
Any Ren and Stimy fans would love this. The style was real simmilar.
whats this ren and stimy show you speak of
I like sex.
Age 34, Male
Willoughby Ohio
Joined on 1/22/05